Pupils at Two Schools Test Positive For Virus

Students self isolating and parents sent letters.

Author: Claire PearsonPublished 21st Sep 2020

A year group at Bishopston Comprehensive School have been told to self-isolate after a student tested positive for Covid-19.

Letters have been sent to affected parents at the school in Swansea to advise them of what they need to do.

The whole Year 10 bubble of approximately 230 students together with pupils who shared the same bus have been identified as contacts of the individual and have been asked to self-isolate.

The rest of the school is continuing to operate normally, in line with Welsh Government guidance. The head teacher of the school has sent letters to the parents of other children in the school, advising them they can continue to attend school as usual.

In Wales it is believed that more than 50 schools have reported Covid-19 incidents to date which the Welsh Government has said is to be expected as schools across the country return to full-time education.

A Swansea Council spokesman said the council and the school are working closely with Public Health Wales and the NHS Wales Test Trace and Protect service to ensure that all the appropriate measures are in place to protect students, staff and the wider community.

He said: “All contacts of the case have been identified and have received appropriate advice to self-isolate. Children who have not been identified as a contact do not need to self-isolate and do not require testing for the virus.”

The letter to parents of children who are not contacts of the child with a positive test also advises them to continue to keep an eye on their children as a precaution.

It says parents should be alert to any symptoms of Covid-19:

A new or continuous cough

A high temperature

A loss of or change to sense of smell or taste

If a child or another member of the family develops any of these symptoms, even if they are mild, parents should book a test for them by phoning 119 or going online here: https://www.nhs.uk/ask-for-a-coronavirus-test

In addition the child’s school should be informed and the child should self-isolate for 10 days and any other household members should self-isolate for 14 days, in line with government guidance.

To reduce the risk of COVID-19 spreading, there are things that everyone can do to help. These include:

washing hands with soap and water often – do this for at least 20 seconds

using hand sanitiser gel if soap and water are not available

washing hands as soon as they get home

covering their mouth and nose with a tissue or sleeve (not their hands) when they cough or sneeze

putting used tissues in the bin immediately and washing hands afterwards

Meanwhile, a year group at Pontarddulais Comprehensive School have been told to self-isolate after a student tested positive for Covid-19.

Letters have been sent to affected parents at the school in Swansea to advise them of what they need to do. 169 Year 11 students have been identified as contacts of the individual and have been asked to self-isolate.

The rest of the school is continuing to operate normally, in line with Welsh Government guidance. The head teacher of the school has sent letters to the parents of other children in the school, advising them they can continue to attend school as usual.

A Swansea Council spokesman said the council and the school are working closely with Public Health Wales and the NHS Wales Test Trace and Protect service to ensure that all the appropriate measures are in place to protect students, staff and the wider community.

He said: “All contacts of the case have been identified and have received appropriate advice to self-isolate. Children who have not been identified as a contact do not need to self-isolate and do not require testing for the virus.”