12 things guaranteed to happen to you if you're from Yorkshire

Only in Yorkshire...

Today is Yorkshire Day and we love any excuse to talk about how great our county is so here are 12 things guaranteed to happen to you if you're from Yorkshire.

1. When Yorkshire folk venture south...

2. Horrifying your elders by leaving lights on...

3. Having different classifications for rain...

4. Having the breakfast, dinner, tea argument...

5. You will offer or be offered a cup of tea whenever you're anywhere with a kettle and someone from Yorkshire...

6. People confusing Lancashire and Yorkshire accents...

7. Not being able to get away with asking someone to do something for you without being met with this phrase...

8. Being subjected to your parents constantly penny pinching...

9. This constant confusion...

10. Having to constantly translate...

11. Adding 'Are' or 'R' to family names to show they're related to you...

12. People outside of Yorkshire questioning why the word 'the' no longer exists and you being able to prove there's absolutely NO NEED for it...

Happy Yorkshire Day!