New figures show dog theft went up by 22% last year across South Yorkshire

That's according to South Yorkshire Police

Author: Chris Davis-SmithPublished 27th Apr 2022

Victims of dog theft across South Yorkshire tell us the impact of the crime feels 'unbearable' at times.

100 incidents were reported to the region's police force in 2021, which's a rise of 22% on the previous year.

Doncaster man Paul Sims' 13-month-old springer spaniel Lola was stolen from a kennel whilst he was at work last March.

He says life hasn't been the same since:

"When it happened, I just wanted to find Lola safe and well.

"I wasn't bothered about going to work, I wasn't sleeping right. I was just worried about Lola.

"I still haven't got her back to this day, but I'd do anything to change that. I miss Lola so much.

"It broke my heart when she was taken. She used to help my mental health and make things a bit better for me.

"I'd do anything to have Lola back."

South Yorkshire Police’s Force Lead for Serious Acquisitive Crime, DCI Jim Bateman, said:

“While dog theft is rare, in the few circumstances where it does occur, we know it can be heart-breaking. For many, dogs are not just a pet, but a member of the family.

“As a force we continue to tackle this devastating crime by working closely with partner agencies and gathering intelligence which helps us uncover the activity of dog theft criminals. We also know that highlighting crime prevention advice among the dog owning community is hugely important and deters criminals from seeing their dog as a target in the first place.

“If you have information about dog theft which you think might help police, please report it by calling 101. Alternatively, if you don’t feel comfortable talking to police, you can call independent charity Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.”

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