WATCH: what will schools look like when children return next week?

We've been to Dobcroft Infant School in Sheffield to find out

Author: Ben BasonPublished 27th Aug 2020
Last updated 27th Aug 2020

With just days until South Yorkshire children return to class, teachers have been telling us about the huge challenge of making schools safe during a global pandemic.

They've been working flat out over the summer to put government guidance into practice to make school buildings Covid-secure.

From next week, they will be full for the first time since March.

Headteacher at Dobcroft Infant School Cathy Rowland's been showing us around the changes made there:

Children will be taught in year group 'bubbles' meaning they won't have to socially distance with others in their class.

But there are separate break times, staggered drop off and pick up slots, one way systems and lots of hand sanitser.

Many parents will still be anxious about sending their children back to school, but Sheffield City Council tells us it won't be issuing fines for those that keep their kids at home.

Councillor Abtisam Mohamed, Cabinet member for Education and Skills at Sheffield City Council, said:

“All children need to go back in September. However, in Sheffield we do not intend to issue fines for not attending school.

“Throughout this difficult time our priority has been to support our children and families, and so as schools reopen we know there will, understandably, be a level of anxiety that we need to address with understanding, explanation and reassurances.

"If children are not attending school, our team of staff will work closely with the children and their families to help get them back to school as soon as possible.

“We will keep this position under review.”