High school in Saxmundham to close due to low pupil numbers

SET Saxmundham School, formerly known as Saxmundham Free School, will close next August

The entrance to SET Saxmundham School
Author: Matt SoanesPublished 9th Jun 2023

A high school in Saxmundham is to close next year due to low pupil numbers.

SET Saxmundham School, formerly known as Saxmundham Free School, will shut its doors in August 2024, meaning the current Year 10s will be the last to complete their GCSEs.

The Seckford Education Trust, which also runs schools in Beccles and Ixworth, says pupil numbers are too low for the SET Saxmundham to be viable.

Only 14 pupils are expected to arrive next year for Year 7, taking the total number of pupils below 200.

The school has struggled for years with low attainment and was rated 'inadequate' by Ofsted last January.

Jonathan Taylor, CEO of Seckford Education Trust said: "Trustees fully understand that this news will be disappointing, and it has only been taken after very careful consideration."

"We will always act in the best interests of pupils and as pupil numbers in the school continue to decline significantly, the provision of a high-quality education becomes increasingly difficult.

"A Year 7 intake of only 14 pupils and a projected school roll falling to well under 200 makes the school unviable, educationally and financially.

"We are working positively with other local schools, SCC and the DfE to ensure that pupils and parents/Carers are supported through the process."

In a statement, local MP Therese Coffey said "Whilst I recognise the challenges the school has faced due to its Ofsted rating and failing pupil numbers, this is not welcome news.

The first priority, of course, has to be the pupils and I welcome the fact that positive discussions are taking place with the County Council and the Department for Education to ensure appropriate places are found.

"I understand the school is now undertaking a 4-week ‘listening exercise’ to consult with stakeholders about how best to close the school, but if any parents want to contact me directly with their concerns then they are welcome to do so.

"Given that I opened a new specialist centre to support and develop vulnerable young people on the school grounds last year, coupled with the fact that the government has agreed to fund a new special school for Suffolk as part of the Special Needs Improvement Plan.

"I have also made the suggestion that the Saxmundham school site should now potentially be considered for that."

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