Guildford appeals for support for city status bid

Towns can apply as part of the Queens Platinum Jubilee celebrations next year.

Author: John CosseePublished 20th Oct 2021

Guildford Borough Council is calling on people across Surrey to back their bid for city status in 2022.

Leader of the Council, Joss Bigmore, says Guildford already has all the attributes of a great city.

Speaking to Greatest Hits, he said: "We have Guildford City Football Club, we have a Cathedral, and a top ranked university. So a lot of people think that we're already a city, but unfortunately, we're not.

"Guildford is already packing a punch of a city, and we will continue to do that whether we win or lose."

"It has everything a city needs and I think it was about time that was recognised."

Towns across the UK are submitting bids for city status as part of the celebrations for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee in 2022.

Mr Bigmore said: "Guildford has it all - we have the heritage, we have the culture, we have the stunning setting here in the North Downs, we have a vibrant local economy.

"Hopefully we can persuade the Queen of our merits when she comes to decide next year!"

Guildford is the only place in Surrey that will be submitting an application.

Part of the submission relies on support from communities. The Council is asking for letters from residents and businesses highlighting what they feel makes Guildford special and deserving of city status.

Mr Bigmore added: "This bid is about the community - it's not about me or Guildford Borough Council. We really want to make this a community bid backed by all the institutions within it.