Guildford probation officer encourages resilient Surrey residents to join his team

David Bailey became a probation officer after his brother got into trouble with the law

Probation officer handing a leaflet to a young adult
Author: Frankie GoldingPublished 2nd Feb 2023

Resilient people across Surrey and East Hampshire - looking for a new challenge this year - have been asked to consider becoming Probation Officers.

This is part of a new recruitment drive from His Majesty's Prison Service.

We spoke to David Bailey - who was was motivated to get into the industry after seeing his brother struggle with crime and drug addiction.

He then made it his mission to help others in similar situations and is encouraging others around Surrey to follow the same path he took.

David told us: "My younger brother had a number of run-ins with the law in relation to petty-criminality and did get involved with drugs.

"Over time he suffered huge impacts on his mental health.

"Seeing the impact this had on my family and him really motivated me to take this job, do something a bit different with my life and work with people to really improve things.

"Everyday, I can look at cases and say I have made an impact on this persons life or, on the other side of things, I can say I have absolutely protected someone from serious harm by acting.

"This is why you should get into this job, this is why it is so important and those moments, where I realise my impact, make it all worthwhile."

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