Guildford submits bid for city status

It's the only town in Surrey entering the competition to be named a city to mark the Queen's Platinum Jubilee

Author: Matt SoanesPublished 8th Dec 2021

Guildford is submitting a bid today to become the latest town in the UK to be awarded city status.

The competition is part of the celebrations for the Queen's Platinum Jubilee in 2022.

Prominent local figures, including the Mayor and the President of the University of Surrey have backed the campaign.

It's the third time Guildford has tried for city status, with previous attempts in 2000 and 2002. Authorities decided against making another bid in 2012.

Leader of the Council, Cllr Joss Bigmore said:

"It's been overwhelming to receive such incredible pledges of support from so many groups and individuals across Guildford and beyond including politicians, the University of Surrey, Surrey County Council, our Business Improvement District, residents, local businesses, local dignitaries and faith groups.

"It is definitely something we all seem to agree on.

'We have everything in Guildford; the heritage, the arts and culture, the world class education, the cutting-edge research and dynamic innovation.

"We have our unique community spirit and the awesome 'People's' Cathedral which 200,000 local people and Her Majesty the Queen and HRH Prince Philip bought a brick for even though of course we all know there is no requirement to have one to be a city.

'Some say it is difficult to quantify tangible benefits, but we believe it will create a buzz, inspire national and international tourism, civic pride and stimulate inward investment and new business opportunities which will drive much needed economic prosperity."

The Very Reverend Dianna Gwilliams, Dean of Guildford said:

"We are very keen to be part of the Guildford City bid. We are one of only two Cathedral 'towns', 41 out of 43 cathedrals serve cities.

"The Cathedral sector contributes £100s million to the visitor economy of the UK, and we are available to all - a glowing symbol of an open and inclusive city community."

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