Surrey chosen to be part of Local Heritage List Project

Have your say on what you would like to see protected in Surrey a

Author: Grace McGachyPublished 15th Oct 2021
Last updated 15th Oct 2021

What would you like to see protected in your local area?

Surrey has been chosen as one of 22 areas to receive funding as part of the Local Heritage List Project to produce new and updated local heritage asset lists.

The money is from the Department of Levelling Up, Housing and Communities and Historic England.

Over the next year, a Surrey County Council-based project team will be working with the following boroughs and districts to produce a new or updated local heritage asset list for their area: Elmbridge, Epsom and Ewell, Mole Valley, Surrey Heath, Tandridge and Woking.

Those who have not chosen to take part either have up to date local lists or are carrying out their own reviews.

Assets on these lists can be given protection through the planning system, and the project aims to identify and include those assets most valued by their local communities.

As part of this, from October 5th residents are invited to suggest new assets for the lists by visiting the Surrey County Council website and using the online nomination tool.

Mark Nuti, Surrey’s Cabinet Member for Communities, said:

“We really want to hear from our residents about what matters to them in their local area – what should be protected?

“In Surrey we’re determined to help our local communities thrive, especially as we look to grow out of the pandemic, and while that can often mean new investment and opportunity, we must also protect those things that might have been around for a long time that hold real value to residents.

“Please get involved, chat to your neighbours and local groups, and make it happen.”

Local lists have traditionally focused mainly on buildings, but there it is hoped suggestions will come forward which include all types of features and places.

Nominations will be assessed against a set of selection criteria, and draft lists compiled for each borough and district will then be consulted on early next year.

For more information click here.