Surrey sex offender who pretended to be a teenager online jailed

Author: Grace McGachyPublished 6th Jul 2022

A sex offender who used fake social media profiles to target young girls has been jailed.

55 year old Albert Jones of High Road in Byfleet posed as 17 year old online so he could talk to 13 year old girls encouraging them to chat in a sexual nature.

After a brief engagement, he would then close the account and then re-engage with the child using a different profile username.

Jones was arrested at his home address on 7 April.

Most of the offences took place between August 2021 and January this year.

Investigating Officer Estelle Sharp, who led on the investigation, said:

“This was a complex case that involved both us and officers from the Metropolitan Police.

“I hope that this case demonstrates that we will catch prolific sex offenders who target children online and will do everything we can to investigate reports, support victims and pursue perpetrators.

“If you are thinking of reporting sexual abuse, please be reassured that your report will be taken incredibly seriously, and that we have specialist support in place to help you.”