Person threatened with large knife during attempted burglary in Woking

The incident happened on Friday 22 October

Police car
Author: Grace McGachyPublished 27th Oct 2021

One person has been threatened with a large knife during an attempted burglary in Woking.

On Friday 22 October at around 8:10pm the suspect tried to break into the house in Watermead through the back door.

He threatened the victim with a large knife and ordered him to tie himself up with cable ties which he had brought with him.

The victim called the police while pretending to look for cash and the burglar ended up leaving empty-handed.

The suspect is described as male, white, approximately 6ft tall, of a large, stocky build and wearing black clothing and a mask over his face.

Detective Constable Claire Jones, who is investigating the incident, said:

“We are carrying out a number of enquiries to establish exactly what has taken place. Fortunately, incidents of this nature are extremely rare in this area and we would like to reassure the local community that we are doing everything we can to identify the person responsible and ensure they are brought to justice.”

If you witnessed anything suspicious in the area at the time of the offence, contact Surrey Police quoting crime reference number PR/45210111878.