Eastbourne Airshow Returns For 2022 for one year only

The popular Eastbourne Airshow is returning next year - for one year only

Author: Iona Stewart-RichardsonPublished 17th Oct 2021
Last updated 18th Oct 2021

Eastbourne's popular Airshow will return next year, for one year only.

The free event will return from 18–21 August but due to the current financial situation it must run without a cost to the taxpayer, in a bid to guarantee its future.

People are being encouraged to support the airshow next year in a number of ways; donating online, buying exclusive membership - or by booking grandstand seating.

Business packages are available too, offering a range of hospitality, advertising, exhibition space and sponsorship.

Eastbourne Borough Council Lead Cabinet Member for Tourism & Culture, Cllr Margaret Bannister said

"This really is the final boarding call for Airbourne. Rising costs of insurance and security over the years have increased the financial vulnerability of the show to such an extent, that unless we can increase visitor donations and financial support from our local businesses, then we really do need to retire our biggest event of the year!

"Covid-19 has had such a devastating effect upon the council’s finances, that we can no longer support events financially, unless they can support themselves.

To donate towards Airbourne 2022 or to register interest in reserved seating, gifts, membership packages or commercial opportunities visit www.eastbourneairshow.com/support.

Without enough financial support over the next year, a decision would then need to be taken to ground the airshow for good in 2023.

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