Outcry following Hastings landslide

Residents gardens are slowly slipping away day by day

Landslip affecting properties in St Leonards
Published 12th Mar 2024

Residents affected by a large landslide in St Leonards, Hastings are calling for immediate action from authorities.

Several homes have had to be evacuated and we're told some are waking up everyday to more of their garden disappearing.

Residents, like climate scientist Dr Ralitsa Hiteva, describe the terrifying moments as chunks of land disappeared, leaving gardens sliding into gullies.

She said: "The landslide has had a simply devastating impact on myself and neighbours and bout 4 or 5 streets backing onto the Gill. We're talking about 100 residents in the neighbourhood directly affected."

"Hastings Borough Council has just walked away. It has become clear to us that nobody is going to come to save us so we have set up our own crowd funding. We are going to use the page to raise money for legal and expert support to see what can be done about addressing the landslide."

The council has faced criticism for its slow response, as homes remain at risk, highlighting the challenges posed by climate change and the high costs of coastal defences.

Residents have set up a crowdfunding page to help them and other victims of landslides

Hastings Borough Council have offered temporary accommodation to all those affected and have been approached for further comment.

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