Worthing Lions spread festive cheer

The group have been out on their annual Christmas collection routes

Author: Adam GoacherPublished 21st Dec 2021

The Worthing Lions have continued their traditional Christmas collection routes this year, with many local people describing it as their official start to the festive season.

Bucket collectors have walked the streets of Worthing to raise money for their services helping the town's most in need, while Father Christmas himself drives along meeting families and making sure children know to be in bed early on Christmas eve!

The group expects to raise thousands of pounds during their collection routes this month, with their last run out taking place tonight (21 December). Kenneth, the Worthing Lions' secretary explains where that money will go.

He says: "Mainly people who fall between charities, and organisations who fundraise for example a new roof for the boys club. They do a lot of fundraising themselves but we can help them".

While there is a financial incentive, for the children living on the roads the group visit it can prove to be a magical night.

One mum said: "It's wonderful, it's so lovely to still have this going on. I'll remember this for years and it's so lovely for them to come out and see Father Christmas.

"We were just finishing dinner so we quickly dived out. He (her son) is at that lovely age where Christmas is so magical".

We were able to join the Lions on one of their routes this month. You can see some pictures below:

Worthing Lions spread festive cheer
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