Junction Foundation

Cash for Kids TFM supports the Junction Foundation Days Out

Published 14th Oct 2015
Last updated 2nd Feb 2017

The summer holidays can be a difficult time for young carers. Young carers families are often complex, they involve illness, disability, mental ill health or substance misuse and many are affected by poverty and disadvantage.

Through the summer holidays, schools and some support services close or reduce their support which can leave young carers isolated, with little means to get a break, have a day out or spend time with friends. This can have a negative impact on young carers’ self esteem, confidence, motivation and emotional wellbeing.

Thanks to TFM Radio's Cash for Kids, 68 individual young carers age 5 – 18 from Redcar & Cleveland have been able to take a break, have a day out and spend time with others in similar situations.

MIni Monsterz

19 Young carers age 5 – 8 enjoyed soft play and pottery painting at Mini Monsterz in Ruswarp, they also enjoyed a cooked lunch followed by ice cream! Young carers often take on adult tasks and responsibilities, this trip enabled them to be children for the day, to play and have fun in a safe and supportive environment.

Team Building and Archery

19 Young carers aged 9 – 10 enjoyed a day with Valley Adventures at Saltburn Woodland Centre. They took part in teambuilding activities and archery followed by chips on the sea front. This was a great trip for developing social skills, working together and trying something new!

Ice Skating and Swimming

17 Young Carers age 11 – 12 enjoyed swimming and ice skating at Billingham Forum. For some this was their first time ice skating, but they took on the challenge and gained a huge sense of achievement when they were able to do it.

Activities like this can help boost confidence and raise young people’s self esteem, this is especially important for young carers as they can miss out on simple activities like swimming, but these activities are important in development and supporting young people to reach their full potential.

Day Trip to Whitby

13 young carers age 13+ enjoyed a day out to Whitby where they ate in a fish and chip restaurant. This trip enabled these young people to have a relaxing day out where they can talk openly about their caring roles with peers who are supportive and understand. They ate together as a group and then had free time to explore and enjoy Whitby.

Check out more of the fantastic work that the Junction Foundation do on (https://twitter.com/JunctionF).