Cleveland Police investigate off-road bikers in Middlesbrough

It comes as Conservative Leadership Candidate Liz Truss is promising a crackdown on Anti-social behaviour, before a hustings in Darlington

Author: Ellie KumarPublished 9th Aug 2022

Tory leadership contender, Liz Truss says she'll make tackling anti-social behaviour a key priority if she becomes Prime Minister.

The foreign secretary wants to introduce crime reduction targets for police forces.

Her rival, Northallerton based MP Rishi Sunak - has pledged to expand police powers to crack down on graffiti and littering.

Both candidates will appear before Conservative Party members at a hustings in Darlington this evening.

This comes just days after huge groups of people on off road bikes swarmed through Middlesbrough causing disruption through the town.

Inspector Wendy Tinkler is the Neighbourhood Policing Team chief for Cleveland Police;

"We accept that the scenes yesterday of antisocial driving by a large group of people on off-road bikes will have been distressing for members of the public and law-abiding motorists on the road.

“This type of behaviour is unacceptable and will not be tolerated by Cleveland Police.

“Our officers responded to the many calls received however police actions must be proportionate to the situation.

“Today, neighbourhood teams have been working to identify those suspected of being involved and seeking to establish who organised the event.

“Over the coming days this work will continue, to ensure they are held accountable for their actions. Anyone with information which could help our on-going enquiries is urged to contact Cleveland Police on the 101 number.

“We can assure the public that this type of behaviour will not be tolerated, and we will take further action.”

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