Reclaiming the streets of Redcar from anti-social behaviour

The people of Redcar are celebrating a project to cut crime on our streets, while opening up communal gardens

Charlotte Street Gates, Redcar
Published 15th Feb 2017

The people of Redcar are celebrating a project to cut crime on our streets, while opening up communal gardens.

Tired of seeing the alleyways between houses on Charlotte Street, Charles Street and Lord Street used as meeting grounds for groups of young people; drinking, taking drugs and urinating, the residents have fought back.

Brand new gates have been installed at the ends of the footpaths, with residents being given the keys.

The gates have been created by local designers RJ Fabrications, Rich Ross is behind the designs;

“It’s a tree theme; it starts off in the centre and then just branches out.

“It has the name of the street and then just has a bit of wildlife in there.

“A bit of nature in a back alley, really, that’s what we were aiming for.

“There’s been a lot of dog fouling, people setting fire to things and fly-tipping, everything like that, because it’s out the way, they can get away with that.

“Hopefully this will put an end to it.”

These spaces are now getting spruced up by the home-owners and community group Zetland Pride, who campaigned the council for the gates to be built.

In a post on the group’s Facebook page they say;

“We spent 2 & a half years working with RCBC Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council over waste issues, anti-social behaviour, drug dealing and fly-tipping.

“We’ve investigated solutions to our area’s issues and we’ve presented evidence on what works and what doesn’t.

“This isn’t the end of the gates project, even for Charles/Charlotte/Lord street, this is just the beginning, residents here now have an area to make their own.”

Funding for the project came through several charities and community organizations.