Portland Port to welcome juicy new shipments to the UK

Orange Juice from Ghent in Belgium will be coming to the UK via Portland Port

Author: Maria GreenwoodPublished 23rd Nov 2022

Portland Port is drinking in the success of a new liquid cargo import operation.

JuiSea Shipping will be operating a regular service from Ghent in Belgium to bring orange juice to the UK through Portland.

There will be over 30 shipments a year by the vessel MV Marilie with the product then being taken by road to Refresco’s Bridgwater plant.

Previously, the product was imported by road tanker all the way from Ghent and Portland Port say the switch to bulk delivery by ship via Portland will significantly reduce the number of road miles and the carbon footprint for the operation.

JuiSea Shipping is a collaboration of Refresco and Trilobes.

The Refresco Group is the largest bottler of soft drinks and fruit juices, in the world and Trilobes specialises in ship cargo systems for liquid bulk.

Ian McQuade said:

“We are delighted to welcome JuiSea Shipping to Portland. These shipments add another product to the port’s cargo mix. We have worked closely with both Refresco and Trilobes on this project for a number of years and it is very satisfying to now see the operation up and running.

"We look forward to a long and successful relationship with JuiSea Shipping and will continue to explore the opportunity for further liquid bulk operations in the future”.

The new operation comes after an historic birth at the port was refurbished and brought back into working order.

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