Coronavirus restrictions announced for Birmingham, Sandwell and Solihull

New restrictions on meeting other people have been announced in order to push down the coronavirus rate of infection.

Author: Phoebe GreggorPublished 11th Sep 2020
Last updated 11th Sep 2020

From Tuesday 15 September, residents will not be able to mix with any other households, indoors or in private gardens, except for those in a support bubble. This applies both inside and outside the city boundaries.

The rate of infection in Birmingham has increased to 75 per 100,000 compared to 30.1 per 100,000 for the period between the 8 to 14 August.

Cllr Ian Ward, leader of Birmingham City Council, said: “I know this is difficult, particularly when we have got used to seeing friends and family, but it is vital we stick to these rules and protect each other given the sudden rise in infection rate

"The virus has not gone away, it has not weakened, in fact it is relentless and we must be relentless in our efforts to control the spread."

“Continue to wash your hands regularly and wear a face-covering in enclosed spaces and if you feel unwell, get a test.”

Speaking earlier this afternoon, the Mayor for the West Midlands, Andy Street said: “I firmly agree with the Government’s decision to introduce additional restrictions in Birmingham, Sandwell and Solihull.

"This carefully considered decision has been based on the latest data about Covid-19 infections in each part of our region and – crucially – the latest understanding of the causes of transmission. The restrictions being introduced are designed to address the causes of transmission head on."

What restrictions are now in place?

People living in Birmingham, Sandwell and Solihull will not be able to mix with other households unless they're in a support bubble.

It includes visiting both in and outside the council boundaries.

It also means that residents will not be able to invite others into their homes or private gardens.

Can I still go to the pub?

Residents will still be able to go to shops and venues but will not be able to mix households while there.

What is a support bubble?

A support bubble is where a household with one adult joins with another household. Households within a bubble can still visit each other, stay overnight, and visit public places together.

It can include single parent families with children under 18 living at home.

You can get more information on getting tested here.