Misconceptions of online dating

Have you tried it?

Online dating
Published 13th Feb 2017
Last updated 13th Feb 2017

We use the internet for pretty much everything; our weekly food shop, the latest celebrity gossip, reading exciting articles about dating from our favourite radio station… so, why not for our relationships? Unfortunately, the humble dating site has suffered from a number of negative associations recently, so we’ve addressed the most common misconceptions below to prove it’s not all doom and gloom…

That it's Unnatural

We live in a technological age where nearly 93% of UK adults possess a smart phone. We use them for everything else so it makes sense we'd use them when looking for love too! Dating on the move may feel strange at first, but why not embrace the new experience and see where it takes you?

That it's just for hooking up

Paid for dating sites are definitely best as there's that intention to actually find someone. With the rise of popular dating apps, many people think online dating can never lead to a serious relationship. However, the truth is that 1 in 4 relationships now start online and this is expected to rise to 1 in 2 by 2030.

That people lie

Think about it, if you're entering real information then other people will be too! It’s ok to bend the truth slightly but most people will be able to spot more than a little white lie, especially on a serious dating site. Someone out there will love you for YOU!

That it's not safe

Dating is a journey which should be a fun and enjoyable experience. Whilst the vast majority of individuals who use online dating services are sincere and honest about the information they give and in their reasons for joining the services, as always, exceptions do exist. Dating sites now have very tough policies when it comes to the safety of individuals, so don’t let this fear hold you back. Use care and common sense when communicating with or meeting new people, both online and offline, and you’ll be fine.

Online dating

That it takes the fun out of things

An awkward, half-heard conversation in a busy bar, or an extended online conversation with someone who shares the same interests as you and gives you butterflies when you see their name? I know which one we’d be more excited about.

That it will end in tears

Actually the success rate for online dating marriages is a lot higher than you’d expect. And many people note the declining divorce rate in the UK as among many signs that technology clearly is not ruining relationships.

Couple walking

That it's full of weirdos

Everyone is just trying to find love and what is an awkward message to you might be really well received by someone else! You can easily keep searching until you find someone you click with, plus if it doesn’t work out, blocking or removing that person is a simple click away too. Besides, why would you want to be with somebody normal?!

That it's shallow

Actually meeting someone online we are more inclined to be interested in their personality over how they look. Other than a picture, we don't have the distractions of all those hormones flying around the first time we talk. Plus, you can filter out those mismatches and leave only those with shared interests – that’s half the work done already!

What are you waiting for? At Seven is our very own dating site full of fun-loving, exciting singles like you! Don’t believe us? Find out for yourself for free…