Delta variant spreads in West Norfolk

Dozens of cases have now been confirmed

Author: Patrick Jack, Data ReporterPublished 12th Jul 2021

Nearly a dozen further cases of the Delta variant of coronavirus have been recorded in King's Lynn and West Norfolk over the last week, new figures reveal.

But the UK Health Security Agency said the sharp increase in cases across England is not being followed by a similar increase in hospitalisation and death.

Public Health England figures show 55 cases of the Delta variant – first identified in India – had been recorded in King's Lynn and West Norfolk by July 7.

That was 10 more than the 45 cases recorded the week before.

Those identified in the latest week were among 8,593 cases of the variant recorded across the East of England – the least affected of England's nine regions.

The North West continued to have the highest numbers identified, with 60,669 Delta variant cases recorded there.

Across the UK, 54,268 more cases were recorded in the last week to reach a total of 216,249 – a 34% increase.

PHE said the Delta variant currently accounts for around 99% of cases that are sequenced in the UK.

Dr Jenny Harries, chief executive of the UKHSA, said:

"The data continues to show that the sharp increase in cases that we are seeing is not being followed by a similar increase in hospitalisation and death.

"This is because two doses of the available vaccines offer a high level of protection against the Delta variant.

"Getting both jabs is the best way to ensure you and the people you love remain safe, so we once again urge everyone to come forward as soon as they are eligible."

Different PHE figures show that up to June 21, the majority of people admitted to hospital with the Delta variant in England were unvaccinated – around three-quarters of those under 50, and a third of those aged 50 and above.

As of June 21, there had been 257 deaths in England of people who were confirmed as having this strain of coronavirus and who died within 28 days of a positive test.

Dr Harries added:

"As we approach the planned end of restrictions, we must remain cautious and careful.

"Cases are rising across the country, and whilst the vaccines offer excellent protection, they do not offer 100% protection.

"Be sensible, and follow ‘hands, face, space, fresh air’ at all times and make sure to get tested if required."

Of the 216,249 cases recorded across the UK, 180,643 have been identified in England, 28,559 in Scotland, 3,666 in Wales and 3,381 in Northern Ireland.

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