King's Lynn family lose everything in house fire

But the community has stepped up to support them

The Beattie family all got out of the house unharmed
Author: Beth PriddingPublished 13th Oct 2020

A family in King's Lynn have lost everything after a fire broke out in their home at the weekend.

Neighbours and friends of have been helping them out - even giving them slippers after they ran out with no shoes on.

Bettie and David Beattie were left with only the clothes on their backs when they and two of their children fled their home in Bagge Road on Saturday night after a blaze broke out in their daughter's bedroom.

Famly friend, Christie Chapman, has been helping to raise money to support the family and get them new clothes - and has been overwhelmed by the response.

She said:

"That night, people were giving them slippers because they walked out with literally nothing on their feet. They walked out with the clothes on their backs and nothing else, Everything else is just gone.

"I cann't thank everyone enough that has kindly donated to the family. There's not enough words to express it. And how the community has all come together. It's so lovely to see.

"Unfortunately, it takes things like that to see what a community we live in. But it's all been amazing.

Christie put out a plea to collect clothes from people in the community and has been overwhelmed

You can help the family by donating to the fund-raising page.