Summer Grant Round 2015

Cash for Kids received applications totalling over £27,611 for the Summer Grant Round.

Published 13th Aug 2015
Last updated 31st Jan 2017

A huge thank you to Simplyhealth for their grant of £6,000 towards the Summer Grant Round.

With so many applications for such worthy causes, decision making was difficult.

We are pleased to announce the successful applicants below:

Solomon Lonsdale - £4,160.25

Solomon is is 13 yrs old and has Cerebral Palsy. His current NHS wheelchair is very big and bulky thus not allowing him to access certain environments and means he is restricted to going out only with his mum because the wheelchair will not fold into the boot of a normal car. Cash for Kids agreed to fund a specialist light-weight wheelchair for Solomon.

Sensory Leeds CIC - £2,127.64


Sensory Leeds is the first publically accessible multi-sensory centre in West Yorkshire. They provide a stimulating, safe and relaxing environment for children and young people with profound learning disabilities, sensory impairments and those on the autistic spectrum. They requested funds to replace some of the sensory equipment which is unsuitable for children in their ‘white room’. Cash for Kids agreed to purchase 4 pieces of equipment including a 'Leaf Chair'.

Lola Coleman-Kaye - £1,905.60

Lola has Kleefstra syndrome, which is a rare genetic condition in which a tiny piece is missing from near the end of one of the body’s 46 chromosomes. Characteristics include developmental delay, learning difficulties and low muscle tone. Lola is able to sit independently but requires a standing frame and supportive footwear to maintain a standing position. Lola's mum applied for funding for a walking aid to give Lola the chance to walk; it will also help her upper body poster, leg co-ordination and strengthen her muscles. Cash for Kids agreed to fund a specially designed walking-aid for Lola.

Friends of Lighthouse School - £1,072.62

Lighthouse is a school for young people with an autistic spectrum condition. Their aim is to ensure their students leave equipped with skills, attributes and confidence. They would like to have a sensory room for their students to access, which is going to cost around £10,000. Cash for Kids agreed to purchase wall-mounted bubble tubes and accesories for the sensory room.

Sid Milner - £1,200

Sid is 4 years old and was born 12 weeks premature, had to be tube fed for quite a while after birth and when he was discharged from hospital he experienced episodes where he stopped breathing. He was diagnosed with cerebral palsy spastic diplegia and he is on the autistic spectrum. Sid's mum applied to Cash for Kids for funding for a Service Guide Dog which will help calm Sid, and allow the family to venture out more in public. Sid's mum explained they had already started fundraising. Simplyhealth and Cash for Kids agreed to make the final payment towards Sid's Service Dog.

Ruby Hemsley - £320


Ruby is 7 years old and was born with Williams Syndrome which is a developmental disorder which affects many parts of the body. She is tube-fed for 6 hours each day and the actions of this can be tiring with a bag attached to her body. This plus other factors with her growth mean she is in a wheelchair. Ruby's family have been fundraising to purchase a light-weight wheelchair and had raised £1653. Cash for Kids agreed to fund the remainder to ensure Ruby got her chair.