West Yorkshire Police officer cleared of misconduct over choke comment

A panel found his use of force was lawful and in line with training

Author: Tom Wilkinson, Press AssociationPublished 19th Nov 2021

A police officer who said "chill out or I'll choke you out" as he struggled to make an arrest has been cleared of misconduct.

PC Graham Kanes said he regretted making the comment while he held Hassan Ahmed's neck in an incident which was captured on video in Halifax, in August 2020.

Following a five-day disciplinary hearing at West Yorkshire Police'sWakefield headquarters, the officer was cleared of misconduct.

In footage shown to the panel, Mr Ahmed was heard to respond to the officer by saying: "I can't breathe," and: "I give up, I give up."

During the hearing it was said that Pc Kanes regretted using the language and accepted it may have been insensitive.

The incident happened about three months after the death of George Floyd in the United States, which attracted worldwide media attention.

PC Kanes was accused of breaching Standards of Professional Behaviour in respect of authority, respect and courtesy; use of force; duties and responsibilities; discreditable conduct; and honesty and integrity.

After the hearing, Detective Chief Inspector Shaf Rehman, of West Yorkshire Police's Professional Standards Directorate, said the force used by Pc Kanes was found to be lawful.

He said: "Unfortunately, our officers do find themselves in situations where the use of force is required for the prevention or detection of crime or to prevent an individual from causing harm to themselves or others.

"It is vital however that any use of force is lawful, reasonable and proportionate; follows force policy and is in keeping with the training received.

"The finding of the hearing today has concluded that this was the case in relation to this officer."

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