Sing-a-thon to Help Families Spending Christmas in Poverty

18 hours of singing is underway at Trinity Leeds to raise awareness of poverty in the city

Published 13th Dec 2014

An 18-hour sing-a-thon is underway at Trinity Leeds to help people who are struggling to feed their families this Christmas.

Local anti-poverty charity St Vincent's are raising awareness of the fact that, ten minutes away from wherever you are in the city, someone is having to decide between keeping warm and buying dinner.

“We do so much over Christmas,” says fundraiser Caitlin Brannigan.

“We give food hampers to families in need, presents to children who wouldn’t otherwise receive them, on Christmas day we put on a Christmas meal for isolated people in the local community... so because it’s such a big time of year for us, we felt we should do something special to try and raise some extra awareness and spread festive cheer.”

The sing-a-thon began yesterday and continues today, with 18 choirs performing every genre of music from traditional carols to jazz.

It follows the successful busking event held at Trinity by St Vincent’s, which helped raise cash for those in need.

But they felt they needed to step things up a notch as the festive period is when they’re needed most.

“Issues like debt and fuel poverty and people not having enough to eat really come to the forefront at this time of year,” says Caitlin.

"We deal every day with people who have to choose between paying their heating bills and paying for food, or people who find themselves getting into debt trying to pay for a present for their child.

“Need is growing, in Leeds especially.”

St Vincent’s, which is based in East Leeds, provides a lifeline for local families affected by poverty, debt and unemployment. It helps them to come out of debt and get into education or employment.

Kevin Duffy, Director of Trinity shopping centre, said: “Music is a key activity at Trinity Leeds and we are thrilled to be hosting the St Vincent’s Sing-a-thon. We look forward to welcoming all the performers whilst they raise money and awareness for this great cause.”