North West Ambulance Service staff attacked twice in two days by aggressive patients

The service says it won't be tolerated

Author: Luke WilsonPublished 11th Nov 2020

The North West Ambulance Service says it won’t tolerate aggressive behaviour towards staff after paramedics were attacked twice in two days.

At the weekend in Blackpool a man punched a student paramedic and staff had to take shelter and lock themselves in the ambulance which also suffered damage and was taken off the road.

A 30-year-old man has been charged with assaulting an emergency worker, criminal damage and using threatening behaviour in an attempt to cause fear of violence.

He’s been remanded to appear before Preston Crown Court on 9th December.

In a separate incident at Bolton bus interchange yesterday night, another patient became aggressive after receiving treatment, and assaulted an ambulance crew member.

They also chased a paramedic around his rapid response vehicle.

A 34-year-old man has been arrested.

The affected staff members have all been offered support by the trust and fortunately, none have lasting physical injuries.

Recent statistics show violence against NWAS crews has risen over the last five years with over 460 physical assaults in the 12 month period up to May 2020.

Ged Blezard, Director of Operations at North West Ambulance Service said:

“Our crews are already working under very trying circumstances with all that is going on at the moment due to the pandemic. They should be able to go about their jobs of helping people without the fear of violence against them.

“Physical and verbal aggression against our staff is completely unacceptable. It can cause long lasting damage both physically and mentally. We will always support our staff and push for prosecutions.”