Bars across Greater Manchester call for freeze to alcohol duty

It comes ahead of the Chancellor's Autumn Statement

Author: Olivia DaviesPublished 22nd Nov 2023
Last updated 22nd Nov 2023

Bars across Greater Manchester are calling for a freeze to alcohol duty, saying any further financial pressures will be "crippling" to the hospitality sector.

It comes ahead of the Chancellor's Autumn Statement.

Jeremy Hunt is set to unveil tax cuts, measures to boost business investment and a tougher approach to welfare in his autumn statement later today.

However, there are concerns from pubs and bars about possible hikes in duty on some alcohols.

Martin Greenhow owns Mojo Bar in Manchester City Centre and said: "We really need to see some dynamism from the Government, we certainly need to see a freeze on alcohol duty... anything additional will be crippling."

"We're hit by the effects of inflation, rising interest rates, increased energy bills, wage rises... all of these things, but unlike many sectors in the country we're still carrying financial debt burdens from lockdowns and the restrictions that came with it... these have had a massively negative affect on any business.

"We also have seen a change in the publics behaviour with working from home being so much more prevalent, and indeed a generation who grew up during lockdowns, who have different behavioural patterns than those who come before, and those who will hopefully come after.

"Any additional burden on hospitality would be absolutely catastrophic."

Martin Greenhow is welcoming the potential tax cuts: "People need to feel the ability to have some cash back in their pockets and positive outlook for the future, which none of us have really seen for quite some times.

"We need to see the Chancellor makes moves that puts more money in peoples pockets through reduced taxation which gives them more disposable income to choose how they spend, and hopefully they choose to spend with us."

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