Targeted campaign in North Yorkshire to encourage young people to get vaccinated

The county's Clinical Commissioning Group says the take-up among older people is 'high' at the moment.

Author: Benjamin FearnPublished 6th May 2021
Last updated 6th May 2021

Plans are in place to target resources and efforts into encouraging the take-up of Covid vaccines among younger people in North Yorkshire.

The accountability officer for North Yorkshire CCG, Amanda Bloor, says take-up is 'high' at the moment in the current cohorts: "In primary care we're working with all of our colleagues to understand where and why the take-up might be lower.

"We're tailoring and targeting interventions to address this. This might involve facilitating transport or providing extra education and information to enhance confidence in the vaccination.

"We do continue to watch the take-up data across all of our areas. Particularly as we move into the younger age groups we will continue to take a really detailed look at this, and adapt our approach and target it if it's needed.

"We do have really positive news that the take-up is really high across North Yorkshire and York at the moment.

"We know for example that some employers are also looking at what they can do to increase the vaccine take-up, and we will continue to explore options locally as they arise".

As of yesterday (Wednesday 5th May) over 440,000 first doses and over 207,000 second doses of the vaccine have been administered across North Yorkshire and York.