Two fire engines being driven from North Yorkshire to Ukraine

The community in Knaresborough have raised £20,000 for one of the appliances

Author: Kathy GreenPublished 27th Oct 2023

Two fire trucks are being driven from North Yorkshire to Ukraine today to help protect thousands of families living in fear of a missile strike.

Bob Frendt's helped to raise £20,000 for one and the second has been donated.

He'll take them to Volodymyr after the City's engines were taken to be used in the war.

"I couldn't sleep at night"

The 73 year old retired lorry driver says on his last aid trip he met a family who live in a high rise block who explained the situation: "I said to Oxsanna 'What happens if there is a fire down there or you get a drone strike? and without even thinking she'll say we'll die Bob because we can't get out."

"How can you walk from a young woman in her 30s with two young children when she's told you that if you get a fire below them, they will die, you can't walk away from that."

"That was the spur, if you like, because I couldn't sleep at night, them poor kids, they are really are left on their own, they're just left to get on with it."

This is his ninth trip the Country to deliver aid: "You can't describe it, you need to be there, it's terrible, these people have got nothing, here, people say they've got nothing when their phone runs out of credit, you go there and you turn a tap on and no water comes on, they turn a switch on and no electricity comes out."

"Knowing now that they've got this fire engine, I'll sleep a lot easier."

Bob will set off this afternoon and is expected to arrive in Ukraine on Thursday.

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