Order and Collect service continues at East Riding libraries during lockdown

The reminder comes from the County Council.

Author: Jon BurkePublished 14th Jan 2021

East Riding Libraries are reminding customers that they are still offering their 'Order and Collect' service - customers can either phone their library or order books online at library.eastriding.gov.uk, and then collect from their specified East Riding Library once available.

Books can be returned to any East Riding Library during opening hours and will be quarantined for three days before being cleaned and returned to shelves.

There is also an extensive online library available 24/7, of eBooks, audiobooks, magazines and local, national and international newspapers which can all be downloaded free with your library card. To join the library online (it's free) or find out more about downloading items from the online library, visit eastridinglibraries.co.uk.

The Mobile Library Service continues to provide an order and collect service and customers of the "at home" service still have their books delivered. For any questions about the mobile library service, please call the mobile library team on 01482 392749.

Portfolio holder for coastal regeneration and tourism, including leisure and culture, Shaun Horton said:

“Reading during the lockdown is very important for people’s mental health, and I am delighted that East Riding Libraries are able to maintain this popular and very useful service in these difficult times. And of course the online library catalogue remains an invaluable asset as well for our members who prefer to stay at home at all times.

“A trip to the library could be included in your permitted daily exercise, and we have libraries available across the area – together with the mobile service – that the majority of residents should be able to stay local.”

For those home schooling, East Riding Libraries have many free resources available to members, including free children's audiobooks, downloadable to your phone, tablet or computer, and ideal to let someone else read your child a story if you need a break.

Britannica Junior Encyclopedia is brimming with trusted facts, written in child friendly language - an excellent, safe resource to help primary school children explore their school topics and find facts. BBC Micro:bits are mini-programmable computers available to borrow from the library, with lots of fun coding activities to do on the microbit.org website.

East Riding Libraries have now also partnered with Tigers Trust to offer a free delivery and collection service for those who are isolating, shielding or affected by COVID-19 and unable to get to their local library.

The ‘At Home’ service continues to offer the delivery and collection of library books to customers within the community who are unable to get to the library because of disability, illness or transport, and who have no one who can go for them.

It is much more than a simple book delivery facility, though; customers are often completely socially isolated, therefore a visit from the library team is a real highlight of their day. The ‘At Home’ team members (along with all East Riding Libraries team members) are also ambassadors for East Riding of Yorkshire Council, and extensively trained to answer questions, and signpost to support and information.

Councillor Horton added :

“If you know of anyone - family members, neighbours or someone in the community who would benefit from the ‘At Home’ service, please get in touch with our team by email at mobile.library@eastriding.gov.uk or call on 01482 392746.

To arrange book deliveries and collections, phone your local East Riding library: www.eastridinglibraries.co.uk/find-a-library Customers can select specific books (browse the catalogue, on https://library.eastriding.gov.uk) or chat to the team and they’ll help with suggestions.

Customer Service Centres are closed for public drop-ins to avoid unnecessary contact where possible. For residents needing essential customer service support, many answers can be found on the website www.eastriding.gov.uk or please contact the call centre on 01482 393939; if necessary, a face to face appointment can be arranged in an emergency situation. Please be aware that the volume of calls may be higher than usual.

Caddy liners are available to collect from East Riding Libraries and Multi Service Centres.

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