Adele fans organised a massive sing along after she cancelled final tour dates

Love! ❤️

Published 3rd Jul 2017
Last updated 3rd Jul 2017

A devastated Adele announced she was cancelling the final two shows of her tour at Wembley Stadium, London over the weekend. In an emotional Instagram post, Adele announced ‘The last two nights at Wembley have been the biggest and best shows of my life… However, I’ve struggled vocally both nights. I had to push a lot harder than I normally do. I felt like I constantly had to clear my throat, especially last night'.

Adele continued 'I went to see my throat doctor this evening because my voice didn’t open up at all today and it turns out I have damaged my vocal chords. And on medical advice, I simply am unable to perform over the weekend. To say I’m heart broken would be a complete understatement'.

However fans united with the hashtag #singforadele, meeting outside Wembley to sing Adele’s hits together. Awwww!

We love her!