Coronation Street spoilers: Abuse storyline kicks off for Yasmeen Nazir as Geoff Metcalfe turns controlling

Next week on Coronation Street

Author: Marianna MansonPublished 20th Jun 2019

Next week on Coronation Street, Yasmeen Nazir is left shaken after a hooded man mugs her in the street.

Geoff Metcalfe instantly rushes to her rescue and promises to look after her, but before long his "protective" behavior starts becoming controlling.

Will Yasmeen be able to stand up for herself?

Robert Preston rouses Ryan Connor's suspicions when he once again fails to turn up to the wedding planning appointment with Michelle Connor.

Will Ryan sniff out Roberts affair with Vicky Jeffries?

Chesney Brown and Gemma Winter go for their twelve week scan, were Gemma is given the idea to sell their story to a women's magazine.

When newbie Michael Bailey gives Steve McDonald the idea to charge for horse and carriage rides, is this the answer to their financial worries?

CHECK OUT Coronation Street spoilers Monday 24th - Friday 28th June

Having once again missed an appointment for the wedding planning, Robert lies and says he was held up in an accident on the M60. Billy thinks his plan to throw a "surprise wedding" is brilliant and assures him he'll cover for him.

Lying that he's got an appointment at the travel agent to discuss their honeymoon, Robert makes his exit and heads over to Vicky's place. Vicky asks him if he's back together with Michelle, and if that's why he's been sneaking around.

Robert dismisses the suggestion, reassuring Vicky that she's the only woman for him, but tells her she mustn't mention the baby to Michelle as it would stir up painful memories of losing their own baby. Vicky says she understands.

Back at the Bistro, Michelle is furious when Ryan suggests that Robert is up to something, leaping to Roberts defense and insisting Ryan apologise.

When Robert finally shows up and says that he's been held up at another appointment, Michelle buys his story – but Ryan is deeply suspicious and vows to keep and eye on Robert.

Later on, when Ryan catches Robert making a furtive phonecall, he confronts him and demands to know what he's hiding. Catching the end of their exchange, Michelle demands to know what's going on.

Geoff has invited Sally and Tim round for dinner, and when he tells Yasmeen their evening's plans he struggles to contain his irritation when she explains she's already got plans – a wine tasting with Cathy.

Wanting to appease him, Yasmeen tells Geoff she'll be back in time for the dinner but when she stumbles through the door after sinking far too many vinos, he's clearly not pleased. When their guests leave, Geoff goes in on Yasmeen for her lateness and stomps off to sleep in the spare bedroom.

The next day at Speed Dahl, Geoff is still smarting from the night before and has no sympathy for Yasmeen's hangover. With Ryan setting up his DJ decks for the night, Geoff spills water of them but let's Yasmeen fret that it was her fault.

Later on as a fragile Yasmeen leaves the restaurant with the day's takings, she's ambushed by a hooded figure and dragged screaming into an alleyway.

A tussle ensues, and the robber eventually tears the money from Yasmeen's grasp, making away with the day's takings. Yasmeen is distraught.

Still shaking, a passing Tracy rushes to Yasmeen's home and delivers her home. When Geoff arrives back from the restaurant he's horrified to see Yasmeen in such a state and promises he will look after her.

Insisting they stay indoors while Yasmeen recovers from the trauma, Yasmeen soon starts feeling cooped up and announces she's going out for a walk. But Geoff pretends to be wounded, and easily persuades Yasmeen to stay home with him.

Later that evening, Alya arrives home from a night out with Ryan and some of his DJ mates. Geoff is fast asleep, but Yasmeen, starved of social interaction, is only too pleased to go downstairs and join the after party.

When Geoff hears the commotion downstairs he is furious to find Yasmeen with a drink in her hand and sends Ryan and his friends home. Geoff takes Yasmeen back to bed and Alya falls asleep, but doesn't noticed a gloved hand as it opens a drawer to remove a box of precious jewellery and treasured photographs...

Adam is not buying Sarah's story about where the bruise on her arm came from, and wants to know if Gary had done it. Sarah is horrified and says she's a big girl and can look after herself, but inside she worries the jig is up.

At the Rovers, Tim and Steve discuss Tiny the horse and how Steve and Tracy will be able to afford to keep him. As Steve mourns a potential second loss of his friend Tiny, Michael can't help but overhear.

Business-minded Michael is adamant that Tim and Steve are missing a trick with Tiny, and suggests that if they invest in a carriage, they could make a fortune charging for horse and cart rides from the Taxi company.

With Steve's birthday coming up, Amy presents him with a grooming kit for Tiny but he's disappointed when Tracy rushes off to work without giving him a present. Opening a unicorn birthday card, Steve is struck with another idea for their horse and carriage business venture.

With their wedding confirmed, David is disappointed when Shona expresses worry that he'll go to prison, assuring her he'll be fine. But when they tell Gail about the wedding, she expresses the same concern, and David begins to lose faith in his family's support.

Chesney and Gemma go for their twelve week scan and are relieved when the doctor tells them all four babies are doing well. When a woman in the waiting room overhears they're having octuplets and suggests they sell their story to the press, Chesney is appalled, while Gemma is intrigued.

Later on, Gemma secretly calls Hiya! magazine and arranges to meet up with a reporter. But as they date of their meeting draws closer Gemma begins to feel guilty, and comes clean to Chesney, apologising for lying to him.

Maria is feeling bad about herself when David and Sean make fun of her "old fashioned" music tastes. Feeling old and irrelevant, a miserable Maria takes Sean shopping for their tea.

Wanting to cheer her up Gail invites Maria along for a spa evening at the salon with her and Audrey. But as they sip their wine and discuss local goings on, Maria is bored to tears with the slow pace of the conversation.

Now let's catch up on what's happening this week on the cobbles...

Coronation Street fans were left on the edge of their seats after this week's episodes following the escalating feud between Gary Windass and loan shark Rick Neelan at the end of last month.

Gary has been revealed as Weatherfield's new villain following the death of Rana Habeeb when the factory roof collapsed in March, and is now set to embark on a darker path - but the return of Rick Neelan could lead to the character's demise.

After the pair scuffled a couple of weeks ago, Rick kidnapped Gary and beat him up to within an inch of his life, but Gary was able to save himself.

But in next week's episodes, Rick will return for round two with Gary, and this time the stakes are much, much higher.

Rick will lure Gary to the woods with the lie that he's holding Sarah hostage, and when Gary turns up to save her, he's met by a vengeful Rick armed with a spade.

Coronation Street airs on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 7.30pm and 8.30pm on ITV.