NHS calls for Millennials and Gen Z in Bristol to give blood

The NHS has revealed more than half of donors are over 45

Author: Jess PaynePublished 17th Jan 2024
Last updated 17th Jan 2024

The NHS is urging young people in Bristol to consider donating their blood.

Recent statistics show the South West has the highest percentage of older donors with more than half aged 45 and over.

NHS Blood and Transplant have launched a new phase of its ‘Giving Types’ campaign to encourage 17-35 year olds to donate blood in 2024.

It is hoping to inspire Gen Z and Millennials after statistics show nationally the proportion of 17-24-year-olds has declined by half in the last 5 years.

Tami Aderonmu, a student from Bristol University, recently donated blood for the first time.

"Everyone was so chill, and the environment was really good," she said.

"We need stuff like this, we need young people who are pushing other young people, it’s one thing to say as an older person, yes you donate but if that’s not within your bubble then it’s not something you would even think of."

Tami is a part of ACSGiveBlood, an organisation which encourages students to become donors, particularly those of black heritage.

"There’s a stigma within our society," Tami said, "that they’ll reject you because of different diseases".

She added: "We did a lot of helping people to spread the awareness to other students in the university."

After donating blood Tami discovered she had the blood type that is needed to help Sickle cell patients.

Sickle cell disease is particularly common in people with an African or Caribbean background.

It’s a disease which produces unusually shaped red blood cells that stop blood from being carried around your body.

"My mum has experienced loss in our family so it feels special to me that my blood can help others with the condition," Tami said.

If you are interested in donating your blood check out the NHS website.

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