Up to 1.4 million Brits experiencing gambling-related harms

A Bristol charity is seeing three times as many people for gambling harms in the South West and Wales than they were four years ago

Gambling rates are now said to be back at pre-pandemic levels
Author: Oscar BentleyPublished 26th Mar 2022

Up to 1.4 million Brits are experiencing gambling-related harms and would benefit from treatment, new data from charity GambleAware has revealed.

They say gambling rates are now back to pre-pandemic levels.

Of people struggling from gambling addiction 57% admit they need help tackling related issues, the research shows. Meanwhile 23% say they access gambling help due to concerns for their mental health, while 21% access help because of money worries.

Last year GambleAware’s National Gambling Treatment Service helped 8,500 people – but they say it could help over a million.

Three times

Bristol-based charity Addiction Recovery Agency say they’re seeing almost three times as many people access their services for gambling addiction in the South West and Wales than they were four years ago.

CEO of Addiction Recovery Agency, Graham England, said: “Four years ago we saw 447 people, and we’ve seen 1300 people this financial year.

“Gambling harms affect all parts of people’s lives – obviously finances, relationships, people’s ability to work, and also involvement sometimes with the criminal justice system.”

However, Mr England said they didn’t see much of a drop off in people accessing help during the pandemic – but suggests that’s because they try to make themselves known in the community.

“Don’t suffer in silence”

They want anyone suffering from gambling addiction – or from the harms of someone else’s addiction – to get in contact: “Get in touch straight away. Don’t suffer in silence; don’t put it off until tomorrow. There’s help available.

“If somebody gets in touch with us, we can see them within five days and start services well within 10.

“The earlier people get in touch, the better.”

Over 92% of people who get in touch improve their lives, Mr England claimed. Once such person who was first helped by the charity’s services while in prison now works for them.

You can contact the Addiction Recovery Agency on 0330 1340 286 or visit their website.

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