Eliza Doolittle is In:Demand

Eliza talks about working with Disclosure, her Glastonbury experience, her Tomboy childhood and the new single, Big When I Was Little

Published 12th Aug 2013

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Eliza Doolittle is back and In:Demand on Tuesday night with Alex James

Before releasing her new single, Big When I was Little, Eliza recently worked with Disclosure on their track You & Me. She explained to Alex James how this came about, "I'm really good friends with Jimmy Napes. We've been writing together since I can remember.

"He played me their song Latch and told me the boys want to work with me and I was instantly like 'hell yeah, this is brilliant!' I was a huge garage girl as a teenager so it felt really natural and like something I'd really want to do."

While explaining to Alex how she's always been a bit of a Tomboy, Eliza says, "We had this crazy water pistol fight the other night and my mum just looked at me like 'What happened to you? How did you become this Tomboy?!" She's always said it about me, I think she probably wanted a slightly girlier girl but oh well, she got me!"

Press play to hear the whole interview in full where Eliza talks about her Glastonbury experience, more from her Tomboy childhood and her new single, Big When I Was Little.