Gemma Atkinson reveals boyfriend Gorka Marquez's embarrassing fear

Strictly Come Dancing star Gorka Marquez is scared of something very unusual

Author: Lizzy HolroydPublished 14th Aug 2018

Gemma Atkinson has been dating Strictly Come Dancing hunk Gorka Marquez for nearly a year since they met on the 2017 series of the show. Despite living in each others pockets over the last few month Gemma has only just found out something very strange about her Spanish beau.

Talking on the Hits Radio Breakfast Show, Gemma revealed to co-host Gethin Jones that on their recent holiday to Greece she learnt Gorka has a very strange, and slightly embarrassing, fear.

Gemma and Gorka were enjoying brunch when Gem noticed her boyfriend was sweating profusely and shacking with nerves. Questioning if he was OK the truth came out, much to Gemma's amusement.

Listen to Gemma Atkinson's story and find out Gorka Marquez's unusual fear...

Retelling the story, Gemma tells her co-host Gethin that Gorka leaped out of his seat shouting "no, no, no!". When she asked him what was wrong the Strictly Come Dancing star revealed to his girlfriend that he was in fact terrified of cats.

We wondering if Gorka was scared of Gemma when she dressed up as Cat Woman for Cash for Kids Superhero Day?

Explaining further Gemma reveals that , "he got attacked by one when he was younger, he said it leaped on him so it was like a back pack..." "...he had no top on so it was skin on skin".

Now Gorka has to cross the road when he sees a fury feline for fear one might strike again.

The amusing story got Gethin and Gemma wondering what embarrassing fears other people might have. The conversation lead to a call from a Hits Radio listener. Find out what this listener is afraid of, which causes his friends and family persistently tease him..

We've never heard of anyone being scared of that before!

Listen to Gethin, Gemma and Dave on the Hits Radio Breakfast Show every weekday morning from 6am.