HBO reveals Jon Snow's ancestry with new infographic

He's the son of ice and fire

Published 1st Jul 2016

HBO has released a new family tree infographic which reveals that Jon Snow’s parents are not Ned and Catelyn Stark.

The picture links Jon Snow directly to Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar Targaryen. So who are they?

Lyanna Stark is Ned’s younger sister. In the series we saw Ned (played by Sean Bean) go to the crypt where she’s buried underneath Winterfell to pay tribute to her.

Lyanna, who was known for her beauty, was due to marry Robert Baratheon (the king from the first series, who was married to Cersei).

However, she was abducted by Prince Rhaegar Targaryen (the son of the Mad King) who took her south and hid her away. It’s rumoured the two were in love and this was their only way to be together as Rhaegar was married. He ended up being killed in battle by Robert.

Lyanna died in Ned’s arms after giving birth to Jon Snow. She made Ned promise to keep it a secret, because if Robert Baratheon had found out, he might have had the child killed.

In the grand scheme of the story, this means that Jon Snow is now the only living relative of Daenerys Targaryen, he’s her nephew. This is because Rhaegar is Daenery’s older brother.

Maybe there could be wedding bells?

The people behind Game of Thrones have confirmed there will be two more seasons, which just leaves 13 more episodes before it may finish forever.

The season six finale saw Daenerys heading over to King's Landing, where Cersei sits on the Iron Throne.

See the 10 reasons why the Game Of Thrones season finale blew our minds.