Iggy Azalea is In:Demand

Iggy rocked up to In:Demand Towers in her 7" heels to talk to Alex James about traveling when she was growing up and her new song Bounce.

Published 9th Jul 2013

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Aussie rapper Iggy Azalea was In:Demand on Tuesday night

Iggy rocked up to In:Demand Towers in her 7" heels to talk to Alex James about traveling when she was growing up and her new song Bounce.

Speaking of her travels, Iggy said "I went to Miami when I was 16. I lived in Houston, I moved to Atlanta, I spent a lot of time in the South in America and then I finally moved to LA in 2010 and I've been living there ever since and enjoying the beautiful weather!"

Talking about her upcoming singles, she revealed, "My third single, when we get to it, will be with T.I. so that will be a big collaboration. That's going to be a great video which is a cross between Show Girls and Blade Runner! How do you cross the two? You'll have to watch and find out!"

Press play to hear the whole interview in full where Iggy also reveals her shopping habits.