Jessie J is In:Demand

Jessie talks to Alex about Twitter trolls inspiring her new single, It's My Party as well as the latest on her upcoming album

Published 6th Aug 2013

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Jessie J unveiled her new single on Tuesday night's In:Demand

Jessie explained to Alex James how the single, It's My Party, came about, "I was looking at my Twitter and thought 'People are still hating, man! When are people going to grow up and just realise there's no point!'", she said.

"That was the inspiration, I was just so fed up of people being so miserable and mean. It's a lot to stomach. I'm taking a break from Twitter at the moment, my fans are aware of that.

"I think negativity is a choice, so I'm just trying to make people see that sitting and being miserable is not the way forward in life, there's so many beautiful things and everyone should just get on and have a party!"

Press play to hear the whole interview in full where you can hear Jessie talking to Alex about the Twitter trolls and the making of the video for It's My Party. You can also listen to the song on the clip to the right.