REVIEW: Big Green Coach

Big Green Coach provide transport to and from music events up and down the country.

Published 22nd Jul 2013

Big Green Coach provide transport to and from music events up and down the country and on the 20th July they descended on Electric Daisy Carnival in London.

It was an early start for revellers travelling from Manchester at 7am on a Saturday morning, but didn’t stop them as a full coach left on time. There was a wide selection of party-goers, from the twenty-somethings to the more discerning thirty and forty somethings, but everyone was there for one reason. Age played no part as there was a happy chatter throughout the journey in anticipation of, the UK’s first Electric Daisy Carnival.

The drive down was uneventful, no traffic to speak off and a planned 40 minute break just south of Birmingham. The service station must have wondered what had hit them as coach loads of EDC-goers descended on them. From then on it was another couple of hours driving in convoy with another coach to the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park.

As the coach drew near the venue Sebastian Ingrosso’s ‘Reload‘ came on the radio and everyone was singing along clearly excited at the prospect seeing the acts later that day.

The coach arrived pretty much on time at the coach park just a short walk from the main entrance and as the coach emptied there was a mad dash for the toilets in the coach park, the last ‘proper’ toilets of the day!

After the event around 1500 festival-goers returned to the coach park for their rides back to the various parts of the UK. Greeted by a massive throng of people waiting to get into the building where the coaches were a few were slightly worried that our departure time was looming; but after 10 minutes of waiting the queue started to move at a reasonable pace and the coaches managed to fill up with happy but exhausted ravers.

The return journey wasn’t as quick as the way down with, what seemed like endless road works on the M25 delaying us by nearly an hour. Finally at around 3am we arrived at our ‘comfort’ stop again, just south of Birmingham, where the essentials were available with many stocking up on Jelly Babies and blankets for the remainder of the journey!

A couple of hours up the road and we were back in Manchester, a little late, exhausted but much of the coach were still buzzing from the previous days events. Then it was time to go our separate ways until the next adventure.

Big Green Coach provide travel to and from music events and festivals across the UK. Check out for more information.

Photo credit: Howard Hill