Justin Bieber Collapses At London O2 Arena Gig

He’s treated by doctors backstage

Published 8th Mar 2013

Justin Bieber collapsed on stage from shortness of breath at the third date of his London O2 Arena residency last night (7th March).

The 19-year-old star fainted midway through his set and was rushed backstage where was treated with oxygen. After a 20-minute rest he returned to complete his performance.

"(Justin's) heading to the doctor now," Bieber's spokeswoman said after the show. "He fainted and took a 20-minute reprieve and was given oxygen."

While Justin was resting, his manager Scooter Braun told the sold-out crowd: "Justin got very light of breath, the whole show he's been complaining. He's backstage with the EMTs emergency medical team and the doctor.

"They're telling him they want him to go and see somebody and find out what's going on with his lungs, he's just told me that in five minutes, if it's OK with you guys, he's going to come out and finish the show.

"So he might not be jumping around as much and everything else, you guys need to be patient with us, we're not trying to be disrespectful, we're not trying to get you guys home late, we're truly trying to put on a show for the people who love him."

Later on, Justin tweeted a photo of himself (see above) on a hospital bed commenting: “Getting better. Thanks for everyone pulling me thru tonight. Best fans in the world. Figuring out what happened. Thanks for the love."

Justin’s millions of Beliebers have started Tweeting the hashtag #JustinTakeABreak urging their idol to take a rest.

It’s not the first time Justin has hit the headlines during his O2 Arena residency. On Monday, he was booed by fans after he turned up on stage two hours later than expected due to “technical issues.”

Justin issued an apology to his fans and turned up on time on both Tuesday and last night.

Photo: Instagram