VIDEO: One Direction’s Harry Styles Gets Mobbed In Paris

It shows Harry struggle to get into his car

Published 1st May 2013

A video has emerged of Harry Styles getting mobbed by a huge throng of fervent fans in Paris.

The One Direction star was trying to leave his hotel for the band’s 29th April show at the Palais Omnisports de Paris Bercy but was blocked by a massive crowd.

Security are seen trying to forge a way through the crowd as the screaming French fans surge forward to get a glimpse of their idol.

Losing his hat, Harry is forced to squeeze into a tiny gap to get into the car before fans stop the vehicle from pulling off.

Fortunately, Harry managed to eventually get to the venue where One Direction triumphed in front of the 17,000 strong sell-out crowd.

Tweeting a picture afterwards, Harry wrote: "Thank you for tonight Paris, you were incredible .x"

Harry Styles Get Mobbed