A Big Brother contestant has just QUIT the show

He won't be returning!

Published 11th Jun 2017

The new series only kicked off last Monday but already Big Brother contestant Arthur Fulford has sensationally quit the show.

Big Brother bosses confirmed the news on social media, they wrote, 'Arthur has left the Big Brother House and will not be returning #BBUK'

Viewers have witnessed Arthur get into a number of explosive arguments in the house with his fellow housemates, including former Ex On The Beach star Kayleigh Morris and most recently Rebecca Jane.

Arthur is the first of this year's housemates to quit the show after Mandy Longworth was evicted on Friday night.

Mandy, along with fellow housemate Imran Javeed, received the lowest number of votes from the public in the first eviction show, giving people's housemate Tom Barber the power to decide who lost their place in the house.

Stating he thought Mandy's daughter Charlotte would benefit if her mum left the house, Tom chose to save Imran.

It hasn't yet been revealed why Arthur left the house but his exit is set to air on Monday night's episode.

Big Brother continues on Channel 5.

Check out every winner of Big Brother below: