WATCH: 'Pointless' presenter Alexander Armstrong is shocked he's a winning answer

He didn't expect this

Alexander Armstrong on the quiz show Pointless
Published 20th Jan 2017

It’s not every day the host of a quiz show is the answer to a question but that’s exactly what happened on a recent episode of Pointless.

Alexander Armstrong, who hosts the afternoon quiz show, was left in shock to not only be considered as an answer but to actually be a correct ‘pointless’ answer.

A contestant called Linda was asked the question, “Name an artist who featured in the top 40 biggest albums list of 2015”, to which she said, “Am I allowed to say Alexander Armstrong?”.

Clearly very flattered, Alexander admitted he would be ‘very surprised’ if the answer was correct and was left completely shocked when the scoreboard went down to 0, meaning Linda had added £250 to her prize pot.

Contestants on the quiz show Pointless with a correct pointless answer

He said, “I had no idea, I didn’t know that! Top 40?! I thought top 70 maybe.”

Quiz master Richard Osman later revealed that Alexander’s album was actually number 32 on the list of the top selling albums of 2015.

Watch the moment below:

Richard had earlier teased the moment to his Twitter followers before the show aired. He wrote, ‘One of my favourite ever answers in #Pointless history coming up!'

Just last year during an interview on This Morning, Alexander revealed to Phillip Schofield and Holly Willoughby that he hoped his album would never be an answer on the show.

Pointless continues every weekday.