16 reasons pets are annoying - but you still love them

Who rules, pets or humans?

Pets can be a major part of your life and the family, but sometimes they go a little too far! Of course we still love them, but if you're a pet owner you'll be able to relate to these 16 reasons pets are annoying.

1) When a cat wants food they miaow continuously

2) Their fur gets everywhere

3) And they get in the way when you're working on your computer

4) They also get under your feet

5) And in your washing machine

6) Dogs (and sometimes cats) rip up important paperwork

7) And try and eat your food

8) They also purposefully push things on the floor

9) Some even get in the way when you're trying to do DIY

Azzurra (cat) up a ladder

10) Or sleep on your head

11) They grab the best seat (your seat) as soon as you move

12) And also wake you up

13) Dogs love to dig up your garden

14) And ignore you when you tell them off

15) Meanwhile parrots repeat naughty words and answer back

16) And rabbits eat through wires