Anniversary appeal of North London murder

Detectives are still investigating Kentish Town killing

Author: Louise EastonPublished 7th Apr 2021

Two years after a man was killed in Kentish Town, police have appealed for help catching those responsible.

22-year-old Calvin Bungisa was attacked in April 2019 and died on Grafton Road from multiple stab wounds. Police believe his death was gang related.

Detective Chief Inspector Mark Cranwell, who leads the investigation, said: “I am hoping that with the passing of two years, people who didn’t feel able to come forward at the time of Calvin’s murder may now feel that they can be of assistance.

“My officers are waiting to hear what those people have to tell us, either directly or anonymously via Crimestoppers, but either way, I urge anyone who can help us identify and apprehend a murderer from our streets to do the right thing and share what they know.

“Time has not dulled our commitment to establish the facts relating to this murder and identify and apprehend those responsible for taking Calvin away from his loved ones.

“The flow of information from the community has naturally slowed over the past two years, but it is my sincere hope that the reissue of the CCTV clips and the renewed appeal may compel someone to come forward now and tell us what they know.

“There is a strong possibility that Calvin’s murder was gang related which means there is a good chance that a number of people know what happened that night, and more importantly, know who is responsible.

“There were a group of young men who we know were with Calvin before he was murdered and we remain very keen to speak with them.”

There's a reward of ten thousand pounds for anyone who gives information that leads to a conviction.

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