'Sadistic sexual killer' told he will probably die behind bars

Sarah Crump
Author: Louise EastonPublished 26th May 2023

A man has been jailed for more than 25 years for a murder in west London that he was originally cleared of three decades ago.

David Smith was acquitted of killing Sarah Crump in Southall, but was re-tried after telling an inmate he'd got away with it while on remand for another murder.

The 67 year old is currently serving a life sentence for the killing of Amanda Walker in 1999.

Both women were sexually mutilated by Smith, who was known to colleagues as the "Honey Monster" or "Lurch" because of his 6ft 3in height and heavy build.

Ms Crump, a secretary in the chiropody department at Wimbledon Hospital, south-west London, had lived a double life as an escort and Smith visited her at her one-bedroom flat in Southall, west London, in 1991.

Smith denied murdering her but was finally found guilty at Inner London Crown Court this week after Court of Appeal judges ordered a retrial because of "new and compelling evidence".

Smith, wearing dark glasses with his head bowed, showed no emotion as he was branded a "sadistic sexual killer" and a "habitual and dishonest liar".

"I must sentence you for this abhorrent murder which was, I am sure, both sexual and sadistic in nature," the judge told him.

"I have no doubt your pre-meditated and planned intention that night... was to kill and sexually mutilate an escort to satisfy your perverted and sadistic sexual desires."

The judge told Smith, who at the time lived with his parents in Hampton, Middlesex: "You have a history of escalating sexual violence against women."

He said the killing was part of "an escalating pattern of violence and sexual offending by you against, but not limited to, sex workers," culminating in the murder of Ms Walker.

Smith was convicted of that murder in 1999 and has already served 24 years of a life sentence.

DI Will Reynolds reads a family statement

Members of Ms Crump's family, including her two elder sisters, Joanne Platt and Suzanne Wright, and Jill McTigue, the detective who led the original murder investigation were in court to see the sentence.

The judge said he hoped the sentence would give the family "some closure", telling Smith they would be "safe in the knowledge you have been brought to justice and are likely to spend the rest of your life in prison".

He said the mitigating features were "thin gruel indeed," adding: "You have shown no remorse whatsoever."

Prosecutor William Boyce KC said then Detective Inspector McTigue had conducted a "professional, rigorous and thorough investigation" but Smith was acquitted in 1993 on the evidence then available.

He said the Met's "considerable dedication and persistence" had brought the case back to court with new evidence including Ms Walker's similar murder, a cell confession and the linking of fingerprints found in Ms Crump's flat to the previous owner.

Smith's case was referred to the Court of Appeal and was sent for a fresh trial following a change in the law on double jeopardy in 2003.

In a victim impact statement, read in court, from Ms Crump's eldest sister, Ms Platt said she was speaking on behalf of the family, including her parents who have died.

"I can't adequately express the pain of knowing what my sister endured," she said. "My family and I will never come to terms with the brutal savagery of Sarah's murder.

"Even after 32 years, having to listen to the details of the attack on Sarah was excruciating.

"This was always so very important to pursue, to finally see justice for Sarah."

Ms Platt said the family had no idea Ms Crump, who had previously been a psychiatric nurse, had been working for an escort agency, and believed it was because she wanted to fund fertility treatment because of her "strong desire to become a mother".

"We would now like to remember Sarah for who she was to us - the sister with the most amazing smile, a funny, thoughtful aunt and the daughter who was one of the three best girls in the world" - the phrase now "tragically" on her headstone.

"She was a young woman with a bubbly personality who lived life to the full and was social and popular," she said.

"She was a trusting and caring person who believed in the good of people and refused to listen to the criticism of others."

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