4 places to keep your plastic bags so you don't forget them

Do you get to the shops only to realise that you haven't remembered your bags?

Published 7th Oct 2015

This week most shops in England have had to start charging for plastic bags so we thought we'd give you some tips on how to remember to take your bags shopping with you.

  1. Keep some bags at work, just a couple of bags should tide you over if you pop out to get a few things on your lunch.
  1. Your car is quite a obvious place, but always try to keep a stash of bags in your boot. As you're more likely to do a bigger shop with your car then bags for life and other longer lasting bags are better to keep hidden in the back.
  1. Never under-estimate how small some reusable bags can fold up so you can keep one in your handbag or coat.
  1. Lastly put one on your keyring! These days some bags are so small you can clip them onto your keyring. You'd be pretty lost without your keys so you can almost guarantee that you'll have a bag with you if you go out the house.