Cleanse, Tone and Breathalyze

Published 6th Oct 2015

Health experts are urging women in Manchester to add a breathalyzer to their beauty regime.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

It comes as tests show alcohol's one of the main causes of premature ageing.

Research has found one in three women are classed as 'high risk drinkers' - consuming more than 35 units a week.

Suzannah Robin is an Alcohol safety Expert and works for AlcoDigital which suppliers breathalyzers:

“Alcohol in any quantity will dehydrate our body and this will happen every time we drink - this affects our skin, which relies on hydration to stay healthy and helps to maintain our skin’s elasticity. Over indulging in alcohol on a regular basis can result in other more permanent issues including a skin condition called Rosacea, which causes us to blush easily and can eventually lead to facial disfigurement."

Suzannah continues:

“When we drink our bodies have to work overtime to process the alcohol. Alcohol is not a nutrient so it cannot be stored in our body. This means in order for it to be metabolised it takes priority over everything else and other processes, which keep us looking and feeling healthy, are interrupted. Unlike nutrients that will be broken down before they are absorbed, alcohol will be absorbed as it is. Therefore it will deprive our skin and bodies of vital vitamins and nutrients.”

Drinkers are being encouraged to maintain their health by monitoring their intake.

Suzannah adds, “Keeping a breathalyzer at home so you can check your blood alcohol content after drinking is a great way to help you to gain more awareness of your body’s reaction to alcohol and monitor your intake.”

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