Couple Assaulted In Their Wigan Home

Published 8th Oct 2015

A man and woman were assaulted in their own home in Wigan, while their children slept upstairs.

Four men wearing masks forced their way into a house on Warrington Road, Newtown at around half 11 on Saturday the 3rd of October.

When they got inside, they punched a 63-year-old man, then also assaulted his 42-year-old wife before they were threatened with what was described as a large knife.

The men then left the house.

The main offender is described as being white, of slim build, 5ft 8in tall, in his mid 20s, had blonde hair, and wore a yellow and blue checked shirt.

The other men wore dark clothing and balaclavas.

Detective Constable Brendan Greally said:

“At the time of the assault, the victim’s children were asleep upstairs. However, one of them overheard the commotion and came downstairs to witness their parents being attacked.

“This was an unprovoked attack and we do not know what the motive was. No property was stolen, the attackers may have panicked and fled. The aftermath of the attack has left the family terrified and in fear of the place you should feel safest of all.

“I would appeal to anyone who may have witnessed the men force their way into the house or leave to call us as soon as possible.”

Anyone with information should phone police on 0161 856 7259 or the independent charity Crimestoppers, anonymously, on 0800 555 111.